

The grapes for Bagnadore Barone Pizzini come from a single vineyard where the more than twenty-year-old vines enjoy the benefits of a climate mitigated by the surrounding woods. Healthy temperature variation between day and night gives the site rich biodiversity. This reserve wine is made only in small quantities and only in top vintages. Its production is held to the highest quality standards.

Bagnadore is an “organic wine”, the result of the choice towards processing methods, in the countryside and in the cellar, aimed at guaranteeing the maximum representation of the territory. In the vineyard only substances of natural origin are used. Biodiversity is also encouraged to allow for a balance between all forms of life, plant and animal.


Vinification: Gentle pressing, fermentation in barrique 

Ageing: 8 months in barriques of first and second step, a small part in steel tanks. 

Refinement in bottle on the yeasts: 72 months


The grapes for this wine come from a vineyard where the thirty-year-old vines enjoy the benefits of a climate mitigated by the surrounding woods. Healthy temperature variation between day and night gives the site rich biodiversity.

👃 稻草黃加上微微橄欖綠的酒色,香氣上帶有白玫瑰花瓣、柑橘🍊、香草🌿、牛軋糖、酵母、烤麵包🍞、榛子🌰和輕輕的氧化感。

👅 口感清新和諧,果味、酸度和氣泡間結合得十分完美,加上一點點的奶油香🥛,令口感添上了圓滑,令餘韻更加悠長。

💁🏻‍♂️ Franciacorta 第一個organic 酒莊,Barone Pizzini 於1997年開始已展開有機種植🌱,絕對是有先見之明!酒莊於2002 年出產了第一支organic Franciacorta。

💁🏻‍♀️ 於2012年Barone Pizzini Franciacorta Rosé 更於The International Wine Challenge 中拿下了The best organic wine in the world, 可見酒莊對organic wine🐛🦋🐌🐞 的種植至釀造絕對出色。

💁🏻‍♂️ 於18世紀時,Mozart 亦是Baron Pizzini 的客人;而當Franciacorta於1967年成為DOC產區時,Barone Pizzini 亦是第一批莊園成為DOC。

💁🏻‍♂️ 輕柔壓榨,在橡木桶中發酵,大部份於橡木桶中陳釀8個月,少量於不銹鋼缸中陳釀,之後再於瓶中作二次發酵72個月。