

A terroir from which world-renowned sweet wines are produced, the Chaume 1er Cru and Quarts-de-Chaume Grand Cru appellations also have the capacity to produce great dry whites. The Ronceray cuvée refers to the Abbey of the same name, owner of the Chaume vineyard from the 11th century. Until the French revolution the lords of Haute-Guerche, farming this vineyard, were paying the nuns with "the best quarter of the harvest"... The "Quarts-de-Chaume" name was born.

Ronceray is a complex wine, resulting from the blend of our plots on the rump of Quarts-de-Chaume. A terroir with complex geology, the marriage of shales and pudding sandstones gives this cuvée a sharp minerality and a floral and fruity richness. A fine bitterness, signature of this terroir, brings complexity and length on the palate.

👃 香氣上充滿新鮮、甜美的水果香🍋🍊🥭🍍,加上一絲香料🌿和蜂蜜🍯的味道已是十分討好。慢慢的再加上了烤蘋果🍎和薰衣草🪻的香氣,教我如何不愛?!

👅 口感將豐富,仍然是帶有大量的水果,配上札實的礦物感,相互間優雅地結合起來。

💁🏻‍♂️ Domaine Belargus位於法國🇫🇷 Loire Valley Anjou 區,酒莊希望透過一系列獨特的特級園﹑單一田及獨有地塊,跟從生物動力學規律🌞🌛⭐完整地表達充滿活力及獨特個性的Anjou 區。Belargus的名字本身已經很有地區的代表性,Belargus 是一種十分罕見的藍蝴蝶名字。而該種藍蝴蝶就是在Anjou 內Clos des Treilles生長的。

💁🏻‍♀️ Anjou 區的葡萄酒,一直到19 世紀,都是供歐洲皇室享用的,而葡萄就是以Chenin Blanc為軸心。為了復興這個有千年歷史為於Anjou中心區域葡萄田地的名聲,Ivan Massonnat 一手一腳建立Domaine Belargus,開始了復興之路,以Burgundy 為靈感,造就了以單一田為單位的方式來探索 Anjou的微風土。

💁🏻‍♂️ Domaine Belargus佔地 24 公頃,專門種植Chenin Blanc,由乾身白酒至甜酒,充份展現出Anjou的風土,及Chenin Blanc的個性。