
The vintage we experienced in 2004 only happens on average once in every decade. The winter in Lebanon was fairly consistent with previous years, with snow until March, spring until June, followed by a very mild and gentle summer. Fresh, cool air dominated the summer months which allowed the grapes to mature slowly and steadily. At the very beginning of the 2004 harvest and for two weeks, the grapes had low sugar content with medium acidity. Then suddenly
a week long heat-wave changed everything – high sugar content grapes, but again with medium acidity, began to arrive at the winery. This interesting and important experience was like a case study for us, almost as if we were having two different harvests in the same year.
The wines from the first two weeks of the harvest were fruity and mellow with floral aromas from the Cinsault and Carignan. The Cabernet Sauvignon was more powerful, intense and concentrated with mature black and red fruits, leather and spices. Two weeks later the Cinsault and Carignan developed more of a red fruit character, the overall palate became more velvety with smooth integrated tannins.

Wine making:
The wines spent 9 months in cement vats and then a year in French Nevers oak barrels and the final blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cinsault and Carignan rested for another 9 months in vats before being bottled and transferred to the Chateau Musar cellars high in the mountains at Ghazir to begin its journey of maturation and development.

A deep burgundy colour with a nose of mature fruits, plums, cherries, figs, cinnamon and cloves. The aromas follow through to a palate full of rich black and red fruits – plums and damsons dominate with pomegranate, baked cherries and Christmas spices. An intensely concentrated powerful vintage with fine smooth tannins and a spicy, warming finish.

💁🏻‍♂️ Chateau Musar 於1930年由Gaston Hochar創辦其後由兒子Serge Hochar於1959年在波爾多(University of Oenology in Bordeaux)完成葡萄酒釀製課程後接手管理酒莊及釀酒。

💁🏻 酒莊初期只供應黎巴嫩內銷,直至1975年爆發內戰(長達15年), Serge Hochar就明白是時候要把他的葡萄酒銷售到國外打進國際市場。因此,Chateau Musar在亦被冠上了峰火🔥下的葡萄酒。Serge Hochar 在炮火戰亂之下,仍帶領著酒莊工人冒著槍林彈雨下,釀製出足以傲視同行的佳釀!

💁🏻‍♂️ Serge Hochar帶着他的葡萄酒走遍全世界,出席無數葡萄酒活動,讓全世界葡萄酒業都認識他。在1979年英國的Bristol Wine Fair,Chateau Musar 1967備受著名酒評家Michael Broadbent MW肯定,被評選為“Find of the Fair”🎖️,從此打進英國市場,成為日後進展歐洲的重要第一步。

💁🏻 Serge Hochar對釀酒的熱誠及對葡萄酒的貢獻不單令Chateau Musar成為黎巴嫩第一酒莊(有黎巴嫩拉菲之稱“Lafite of Lebanon”),他更成功爭取了世界葡萄酒業的認同,他於1984年被世界性葡萄酒雜誌 Decanter Magazine選為 “Man of the Year 1984”🎖️。

💁🏻‍♂️ 當父親要求Serge Hochar接掌酒莊時,Serge Hochar收到這樣的條件:『我只想用最自然的方式釀酒,不用任何添加物,不用過濾,不用澄清,不用二氧化硫,甚麼都不用!』

💁🏻 六十年前,Natural Wine 還未十分盛行的時代,Chateau Musar 已經有了他們自己的堅持💪🏻。

💁🏻‍♂️ 葡萄酒在水泥桶中陳釀 9 個月,然後在法國木桶中陳釀一年,最後三款葡萄混釀後再於大桶中陳釀 9 個月,然後裝瓶並轉移到高山上的 Chateau Musar 酒窖 Ghazir 開始瓶中陳釀。

跟1997 及1998 有點不一樣的感覺,在傳統的精神上,明顯地帶上了一點時尚感。香氣上充滿了橙花🌼﹑橙酒🍊﹑紅梅﹑士多啤梨🍓﹑肉桂﹑丁香及朱古力🍫的香氣,複雜而十分有層次。而充滿郁的黑色和紅色水果的香氣更是撲鼻而來,香氣組合起來更是令人聯想到聖誕的味道。單寧細膩順滑,餘韻辛香溫暖。2004年絕對是一個高度濃縮、強勁的年份。