
Passionate about Sauvignon Blanc, Joost de Villebois and his wife Miguela have been running Domaine J. de Villebois since 2004 in the village of Seigy in Touraine.In nearly 20 years, Villebois has become the key producer in the region with 52ha of exceptional Sauvignon Blanc in 6 appellations including Sancerre, Pouilly-Fumé, Menetou-Salon, Quincy, Touraine and IGP Val de Loire. They now produce a range of 15 Sauvignon Blanc from the terroirs of these appellations. Joost and Miguela have become over time the 'Specialists of Sauvignon Blanc de Loire'! Selected as 'Top 100 Wineries of 2020' by Wine & Spirits magazine, Villebois wines are unanimously recognized in major French and international competitions. They are now served on the most beautiful gastronomic tables, in more than 65 countries around the world.

維耶布瓦酒莊於2004在都蘭的一個釀酒村莊發跡。莊主Joost de Villebois 為前荷蘭證券交易所前主席,同時也是一名古老法國貴族的後裔,因為對長相思充滿熱情,因此在他的妻子的支持之下,決定在盧瓦爾河谷追尋他的夢想。在近20年的時間裡,維耶布瓦已成為該地區最具影響力之一的釀酒商,擁有52公頃的優質長相思,分佈在6個產區,包括桑塞爾、普伊富美、梅內圖沙龍、昆西、都蘭和盧瓦爾河谷。他們在這些產區的不同風土上打造了15款長相思。隨著時間的推移,Joost 和 Miguela 已成為“盧瓦爾長相思專家”!維耶布瓦酒莊在2020年被《葡萄酒與烈酒》雜誌選為"Top 100百大風雲酒莊”,在法國和國際重要比賽中獲得一致認可。今日維耶布瓦的酒款在全球超過最美麗的美食餐桌上都佔有一席之地。