

ISOLE e OLENA is located in Tuscany, on the western slope of the Chianti Classico hills halfway between Florence and Siena. Its name was conceived in 1956 when two adjoining estates, “ISOLE” and “OLENA” were purchased by the De Marchi family and were combined into one, nevertheless the history of both estates dates back many hundreds of years, and the earliest documentation of the village of Olena dates far back as the 12th century. In 1976, Paolo De Marchi got fully involved in the family estate dedicating endless effort in reshaping its viticulture and focusing on his own ideas of quality: to produce the best possible Sangiovese that balances elegance, finesse and power to yield wines that are a unique expression of the site. Cepparello is the world acclaimed result of his work. All the wines, including CHIANTI CLASSICO and CEPPARELLO, are estate wines produced only from the grapes grown on the estate’s 56 hectares of vineyards.

👃 一支有著Burgundy 感覺的Chardonnay,白花🌼﹑香料🍃﹑胭脂及牛油感🧈,濃郁的香氣帶來了更多期待感。

👅 除了出色的白花🌼及香料🍃外,亦有Creamy 及牛油的口感,配上清新的酸度,帶來了結構感,絕對是其中一款意大利最出色的Chardonnay。

💁🏻‍♂️ Isole e Olena 已在意大利頂級酒莊之列,酒莊不僅釀出最頂尖的Chianti Classico酒款,更連使用Cabarnet Sauvignon、 Syrah和 Chardonnay釀造的酒款質素亦極為出色。

💁🏻‍♀️ 酒莊第四代莊主Paolo De Marchi 更改良Chianti Classico酒款傳統以4種葡萄來混釀的配方,將Sangiovese以外的葡萄比例逐步減少,更於1980年出產了第一支100% Sangiovese酒款Cepparello。

🐓Crostino di Fegatini Toscano e Copmosta di Mele Cotogne
一支有著Burgundy 感覺的Chardonnay,白花🌼﹑香料🍃﹑胭脂及牛油感🧈,令人驚訝的高質Chardonnay。配上Tuscany 雞肝及梨醬🍐,由梨醬引出了酒的酸度﹑清新度 (竟然令Chardonnay 出現了清新的青草香),為Chardonnay及雞肝牽起了紅線,結合成出色的marriage。