

Weingut Fritz Haag sits in the heart of the Middle Mosel and holds a proud spot in that region's long history. The first documented mention of the estate came in 1605, at a time when the town was known as Dusemond. To better invoke the stellar reputation of the world-famous "Brauneberger Juffer" and "Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr" — which Napoleon himself had considered pearls of the Mosel region — the town renamed itself in 1925 from Dusemond to Brauneberg. Weingut Fritz Haag, now helmed by Oliver Haag, still honors this tradition through its supplemental designation “Dusemonder Hof."

 Wilhelm Haag

Wilhelm Haag was born in 1937. He lived and worked by a singular philosophy right up to the moment when he finally handed over the reins of his estate to son Oliver Haag:  Quality is the only path to reach one’s goals. The estate looks back on many incredible vintages from his run, including 1959, 1964, 1969, 1971, 1976, 1983, 1985, 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994 to name but a few.

Oliver And Jessica Haag

Oliver Haag took over the estate in 2005 and has been managing it together with his wife Jessica ever since. Wine is more than just a job, it is their shared passion and the center of all that they do. Yet they also like exploring the wider world, often in the form of wines from other colleagues enjoyed at mealtimes. “A science unlike any other, and one that continues to fascinate and amaze me,” says Oliver Haag.

【酒仕🍷 試酒】
👃 香氣充滿花香﹑金銀花﹑荔枝﹑桃﹑成熟菠蘿等誘人花果香,同時香氣上又展現出輕盈、平衡、清晰且優雅的感覺。

👅 味蕾上除了成熟甜美的桃及菠蘿外,更有著濃濃的蜂蜜,配上西柚般的酸度作平衡,令人陶醉。

💁🏻‍♂️ Fritz Haag該莊園的最早記錄可以追溯到 1605 年,當時,該莊園所在的村莊被稱為“Dusemond”。直至1925 年,該村莊更名為“Brauneberg”就成為Fritz Haag努力進一步提升其世界知名葡萄園「Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr」和「Brauneberg Juffer」的名字。

💁🏻‍♀️ 葡萄園的名稱“Juffer”解作老婦人👩🏻‍🦳或處女,歷史可以追溯到1790 年。當時這些出色葡萄園的擁有者是貴族Kurpfälzische Kammerherr Wunderlich,擁有三個葡萄園。而他的女兒都在未婚的情況下從父親手中接管葡萄園,因此「Brauneberger Juffer」這個名字誕生了。

💁🏻‍♂️酒莊的出色程度令甚至連拿破崙都非常珍惜,而Fritz Haag在Wilhelm Haag的領導下贏得了世界知名的聲譽。Wilhelm Haag更是第一個🥇榮獲「年度釀酒師」稱號的人,這是由著名的Gault Millau Wine Guide於1994 年推出的一項令人夢寐以求的榮譽。

💁🏻‍♀️自 2005 年起,兒子Oliver接管了酒莊,嚴格挑選最適合其葡萄園小氣候的Clones,以發揮葡萄的最大潛力。身為釀酒師的Oliver,技能超強,他的葡萄酒呈現出令人愉悅的色彩,呈現出從金銀花到梨和蘋果的清晰口感,更帶有柑橘🍊和潛在的礦物色調⛰️,反映了Brauneberger的棕色板岩葡萄園風土。