

We feared another 2016, when the wines so often had a sweet and sour character due to two generations of grapes being picked together, one over ripe and the other under. I scarcely ever saw that in 2021. There was an unexpected soft character in some wines, especially, alas, in Chablis, and rarely a sharpracidity. These will be good, sometimes very good wines, and as long as price does not prohibit, I see no reason not to follow them without qualms. I do not expect many wines to offer an ageing profile much beyond the medium term, which, I am reliably assured, is what the market wants. I may be an outlier here.

The whites in particular, though the reds too, are very clear reflections of their individual sites. "C'est une vraie lecture de chaque terroir opined one producer. They do also show the hierarchical order from generic up to Grand Cru very clearly


Outer quote mark from a massive 4 ha parcel, 3.5 of which is planted to chardonnay and the remainder to pinot; Morey noted that in 2021 he made only 13 barrels vs his usual production of 90! This is aromatically similar to the Baudines if perhaps just a hair riper. There is excellent intensity to the utterly delicious medium-bodied flavors that also exude evident minerality on the slightly better-balanced and longer finale.  Inner quote mark (6/2023)